LUG Light Factory SP. z o.o.
65-127, Zielona Góra, Gorzowska 11
How to choose the right downlight luminaires for business?In times when there is a constant fight for the consumer, the first impression counts. Shop windows and interiors must have that “something” that will encourage an ordinary passer-by to come in and stay longer. Too weak lighting may make the shop or showroom difficult to see. However, strong lighting will be tiring and will cause potential customers to quickly flee.
So, how to choose the right lighting? And why are downlight luminaires from LUG Light Factory a good idea?
First, you need to carefully assess the business needs. What kind of light does it need every day? In the case of retail stores, products and communication routes should be illuminated to ensure the safety of customers. On the other hand, jewelry or clothing stores are governed by different rules, and here not only the intensity of light, but also the decor and the appropriate atmosphere are important. There are different priorities in the case of an office, garage or production line. What matters in these rooms is the productivity of employees, who require effective lighting at their workstations. However, safety and compliance with legal requirements also matter here.
Then you should estimate the size of the room, which allows you to select the appropriate type of lamps and their number. It turns out that in most cases, downlight luminaires equipped with LED technology work well. These are lighting fixtures that are placed directly on the ceiling or are embedded in the ceiling, false ceiling or horizontal surface – e.g. above jewelry display cases. Such point lighting has many applications because, on the one hand, it can evenly illuminate the interior, and on the other, if properly placed, it can highlight only the most important zones or objects.